SPACECAKE chronicles the misadventures of a debauched and dangerous masochist as he tantrums his way through the sleazy worlds of Rock & Roll, music video and technology, each squalid escapade dragging him ever deeper into a repugnant maelstrom of sordid excess...well sort of.  A wee bit.  Actually...not remotely. 

It’s all about the work really.

That's the iBooks blurb, designed to suggest I'm quite the dangerous, druggy rock musician, video director type. Well I tried really hard but couldn't pass muster I'm afraid, but I did write this book which is a stab at my memoirs, presented in E-Book form for Apple devices. This means you can tap pictures, selected words or links and be taken deeper into the story via film clips, images and lots of extra information. I'm also currently in talks about publishing SPACECAKE as a hard back but it'll still be lacking group sex,ODs or devil worship. 

Sorry about that.